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Stewards Pooi Kei College

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School Introduction #

Stewards Pooi Kei College (香港神託會培基書院) is located in Sha Tin, Hong Kong, is a DSS Co-ed secondary school. The school covers an area of ​​approximately 5915.0 square meters.

School Mission #

We envision developing SPKC into an outstanding DSS school with the purpose of cultivating Christian faith and educating Pooikeinians to be leaders of tomorrow.
We aim at preparing tomorrow’s leaders with character and intelligence.
S: Servant Leaders
P: Positive Thinkers
K: Keen Learners
C: Confident Explorers

Direct public transportation to School #

Bus: 49X, 82X, 83K, 83S, 83X, 85A, 86, 281A
Minibus: 65A, 65K, 65M, 804, 806A, 808

Contact Information #

School AddressNo. 56 Siu Lek Yuen Road Shatin (map location)
School Website

School Information #

DistrictSha Tin
Other District(s)
Supervisor / Chairman of School Management CommitteePang Chau Sheung, Rosa
Principal (with qualifications / experiences)Mr. Lee Kin Fung, William ((BSSc (Hons), MA, PGDE, Prof. Dip. in Guidance and Counselling))
School TypeDSS
Student GenderCo-ed
Area Occupied by the SchoolAbout 5915.0 Sq. Meters
Name of Sponsoring BodyStewards
Incorporated Management CommitteeNot Applicable
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers Fulfilling the Training Targets
ReligionProtestantism / Christianity
Year of Commencement of Operation2004
School MottoThe fear of the LORD is the start of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One gives a wise mind. (Proverbs 9:10)
Parent-Teacher AssociationYes
Student Union / AssociationYes
Past Students’ Association / School Alumni AssociationYes

School Facilities #

Number of Classroom(s)30
School FacilitiesHall, Playground, Covered Playground (equipped with air-conditioning), Learning Centre (Library), Multimedia Creative Centre, English Zone, InnoMusic Space, Chinese Culture Room, Atelier (Visual Arts Room), Laboratories, Small Group Teaching Rooms, Conference Rooms, Religious Room, Counselling Room, Cafeteria (equipped with air-conditioning), Fitness Centre, Black Box Theatre, iClassroom, Future Classroom and STEM Room.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational NeedsRamp, Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.

Chargeable Fees (2023/2024) #

School Fee ($)Tong Fai ($)


Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) (HK$)“$80”
Student Union / Association Fee (HK$)“$50”
Approved Charges for Non-standard Items (Annual) (HK$)

Other Charges / Fees ($) #

School Fee of S.5 & S.6 Non-local Curriculum: $43,500

Teaching Staff Information (including School Head) in the 2023/2024 School Year #

Number of Teaching Posts in the Approved Establishment
Total Number of Teachers in the School95

Qualifications and Professional Training : Percentage of teaching staff (%) #

Teacher’s Certificate / Diploma in Education88%
Bachelor Degree100%
Master / Doctorate Degree or above41%
Special Education Training23%

Years of Experience : Percentage of teaching staff (%) #

0-4 years39%
5-9 years16%
10 years or above45%

2023/2024 Class Structure #

Number of classes

Subjects Offered #

S.1 – S.3 #

S.1 – S.32023/20242024/2025
Chinese as the medium of instructionChinese Language, Putonghua, Chinese History, Personal-Social-Spiritual Education and Physical EducationChinese Language, Putonghua, Chinese History, Personal-Social-Spiritual Education and Physical Education
English as the medium of instructionEnglish Language, Mathematics, Integrated Humanities (S.1 & S.2), Integrated Science (S.1 & S.2), Global Citizenship (S.1), Design Thinking & Living (S.1), Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology Modules) (S.3), Business Fundamentals (S.3), Geography (S.3), History (S.3), Information & Communication Technology, Visual Arts and MusicEnglish Language, Mathematics, Integrated Humanities (S.1 & S.2), Integrated Science (S.1 & S.2), Global Citizenship (S.1), Design Thinking & Living (S.1), Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology Modules) (S.3), Business Fundamentals (S.3), Geography (S.3), History (S.3), Information & Communication Technology, Visual Arts and Music
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum

S.4 – S.6 #

S.4 – S.62023/20242024/2025
Chinese as the medium of instructionChinese Language, Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese History, Visual Arts, Personal-Social-Spiritual Education and Physical EducationChinese Language, Citizenship & Social Development, Chinese History, Visual Arts, Personal-Social-Spiritual Education and Physical Education
English as the medium of instructionEnglish Language, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business, Accounting & Financial Studies, Economics, Geography, History, Information & Communication Technology, Mathematics Extended Part Module 1, Mathematics Extended Part Module 2English Language, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business, Accounting & Financial Studies, Economics, Geography, History, Information & Communication Technology, Mathematics Extended Part Module 1, Mathematics Extended Part Module 2
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculumPooikeinian’s Future Academy (S.4 & S.5)Pooikeinian’s Future Academy (S.4 & S.5)

Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life #

Secondary One Admission #

Our school will not participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2024 ).SPKC administers her own admission process. Admission criteria are primarily based on the applicant’s academic achievements, conduct, extra-curricular activities and interview performance.

Orientation Activities and Healthy Life #

S.1 Bridging Programme is run annually during the summer to help students cope with the new changes in the coming school year.
SPKC actively promotes a healthy life style and helps students build up good habits. The Fitness Centre serves to encourage students to do more exercise. ‘Fit Friday’ is a regular practice that encourages all staff and students to engage in sports activities. SPKC provides diversified other learning experiences and incorporates positive education in teaching strategies and the content of curriculum.

School Characteristics #

School Management #

School’s Major Concerns #

I. To foster students to be keen learners;
II. To nurture students to be positive thinkers.

School Management Organisation #

The School Management Committee delegates the Principal to supervise and manage the school operations. The Principal, the Vice Principals, the Assistant Principal and School Executive Committee supervise different teams.

Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee #

The School Management Committee is composed of professionals, professors and experienced educators. We are committed to building a school with quality Christian education and supervise the operation of the school. We are honoured to have a number of enthusiastic educators to be our Honorable Consultants, giving us advice on curriculum development, student enhancement, school sustainable development and financial matters. They are Prof. Joseph SUNG Jao-yiu, SBS., Former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Dr. Philemon CHOI Yuen-wan, SBS, JP, Honorary General Secretary of Breakthrough Ltd. and Mr. Peter Yuen, Former Principal of SPKC.

School Green Policy #

1. Implementation of 4Rs policies to be a green school;
2. Information technology – using IT to reduce the use of paper in school notices and documents;
3. Strategies to run green classrooms.

Learning and Teaching Plan #

Whole-school Language Policy #

English is the medium of instruction. Small group teaching is implemented in English class. Students’ English ability is enhanced through activities such as speech, drama and debate.

Learning and Teaching Strategies #

We are committed to offering a well-balanced curriculum which enhances students’ creativity, critical thinking and information technology skills so as to equip them to be life-long learners.

School-based curriculum #

1. Electives: 2X and 3X. Literature in English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business, Accounting & Financial Studies (BAFs), Economics, Geography, History, Chinese History, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Visual Arts, Mathematics Extended Part Module 1 and Mathematics Extended Part Module 2.
2. Curriculum highlights: To enhance teaching and learning effectiveness, our School designs and implements school-based curriculum for English Language, Putonghua, Integrated Humanities, Personal-Social-Spiritual Education and senior form Visual Arts. Pooikeinian’s Future Academy engages students in other learning experiences to develop interests, abilities and aspirations. We also offer the IAL curriculum.

Major Renewed Emphases in the School Curriculum #

1. Strengthening values education
2. Promoting STEM education and information technology in education
3. Diversifying life-wide learning experiences

Life Planning Education #

Our Career & Life Planning Committee aims to develop self-awareness and set goals for tertiary education and career aspirations. Comprehensive career guidance services and activities are offered, e.g. career lessons, various Other Learning Experiences (OLE), job experiencing programmes, JUPAS talks, etc., are tailor-made for students to gain hands-on experience about career and further studies.

Student Support #

Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity #

1. School-based gifted education programmes are implemented across subjects to stretch students’ capacity.
2. Multiple intelligence activities are organized to enhance students’ self-confidence and nurture their leadership abilities.
3. Consolidation classes of core subjects (English, Chinese, Mathematics) are held to support students’ academic needs.

Whole School Approach to Integrated Education #

Teachers acknowledge the responsibility of establishing an inclusive environment to cater for the needs of all students. Diversified teaching techniques are applied to cater for students’ diverse learning needs. The Vice Principal, Special Education Needs Coordinator, Student Well-Being Committee Teachers, Social Workers, Clinical and Educational Psychologists collaborate closely to support students with all kinds of needs. Case conferences are held with teachers concerned to discuss strategies in supporting particular students. With the support of the Learning Support Grant, the school hired professional organizations to provide after school training courses to needy students.

Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students #

Measures to provide adaptation for learning and assessment #

Besides two uniform tests and two examinations in a year, SPKC emphasizes continuous assessments which aim to facilitate students’ self-evaluation throughout the learning process. The continuous assessments include participation in class, daily assignments, projects, quizzes, etc. Special arrangements in internal and external assessments can be made for students in need.

Fee Remission #

Our school offers full school fee remission or 1/2 school fee remission. Needy students, including those from families receiving the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and students receiving financial assistance provided by the Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA), could apply for fee remission.
– Newly admitted students could apply for the school fee remission after 1 week(s) of commencement of the new school year. Application results will be announced within 1 month(s) after submission of applications.
– Please visit the web-link in our school’s website for details of school fee remission scheme, including the family income limits.
– Please visit the web-link in our school’s website for details of school fee remission scheme, including the family income limits.

Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos #

Home-School Co-operation #

SPKC highly regards the home-school cooperation. Quality parents’ talks are held regularly. The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) also shows keen concern to the school development. Besides setting up the parent volunteer team, PTA scholarships have also been set up to encourage students to study hard. The PTA Choir is one of the school features. SPKC was recognised as an outstanding school in the Home-School Co-operation Section in the Caring School Scheme organized by Hong Kong Christian Service.

School Ethos #

1. Based on the Bible, SPKC emphasizes Christian education, values on spiritual and moral education. With the close collaboration with the partner church Abundant Grace Church, the Stewards’ Social Service Branch and other partners, life education is promoted within school to cultivate students’ abilities to cope with adverse situations and to care for others.
2. SPKC is a harmonious school with good relationships between teachers and students.
3. SPKC has a strong Christian atmosphere.
4. Students are devoted to voluntary work and community service.

Future Development #

School Development Plan #

1. To foster students to be Keen Learners;
2. To nurture students to be Positive Thinkers.

Teacher Professional Training and Development #

The school cultivates team spirit and facilitates mutual support among teachers through collaborative lesson preparation and peer lesson observation. Staff development activities are held with the aim to improve teachers’ teaching skills and teaching quality. All teachers are encouraged to take part in training courses, workshops and seminars organized by the Education Bureau and universities.

Life-wide Learning #

(including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be provided through Key Learning Areas, extra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities, etc.)

SPKC offers over 60 teams and clubs which include academic school teams, music teams, sport teams, academic clubs, interest clubs, uniform groups, service teams and counseling programmes. The aim is to broaden students’ horizons, discover their potentials, foster their interests to set targets and develop their talents.

Others #

SPKC puts emphasis on cultivating globalized vision. Every year, we are the host of exchange students from all over the world. Our students also enthusiastically participate in exchange programmes. Learning Without Walls (LEWOWA) is our school-based experiential learning programme in which all teachers and students leave the classrooms and learn in different parts of the world.

Remarks #

S.1, S.2, S.4, S.5 & S.6 students are split into 6 classes in year 2023/2024.

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