JUPAS JSSU67 SSSDP (BSc(Hons)MedLabSci) Programme Info and Admission Statistics

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Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Medical Laboratory Science 由香港都會大學開辦:醫療化驗科學榮譽理學士 (BSc(Hons)MedLabSci) #

Institution/ SchemeSSSDP
Jupas Catalogue No.JSSU67
Funding CategorySSSDP
Study LevelBachelor’s Degree
Duration of Study4 years
First Year Tuition Fee

HK$ 170,710

Estimated Programme Fees:
1st year: HK$170,710
Whole Programme: HK$682,840

Estimated Programme Fees after deducting SSSDP subsidy (HK$79,770/year):
1st year: HK$90,940
Whole Programme: HK$363,760


  1. The composite tuition/programme fees listed above have included laboratory/ practicum/ immersion course fees, etc., if applicable.
  2. Non-local students will be charged a higher rate.
  3. There will be an annual adjustment of tuition fees which will be capped at the actual Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI) to be announced by the Government. The estimated composite tuition/programme fees for the whole programme have not yet taken the CCPI for the second to fourth (or fifth) year, i.e. 2025/26 to 2027/28 (or 2028/29) academic year, into account.
  4. Students, who fulfilled the stipulated requirements set by the Education Bureau (EDB), are eligible for the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (“SSSDP”) provided by the Government. For details of the scheme and eligibility, please visit http://www.cspe.edu.hk/sssdp.
  5. A student’s eligibility for the SSSDP and the annual subsidy amount allocated in an academic year is subject to EDB’s final approval. The annual subsidy amount of SSSDP for laboratory-based programmes for the 2024/25 academic year is HK$79,770.
  6. Only local students are eligible for subsidy under SSSDP.
First Year Intake60
Interview ArrangementsYes (on a selective basis)
Programme Websitehttps://www.hkmu.edu.hk/su67

Short Description #

This programme is designed to prepare graduates to enter the medical laboratory field in provides students with comprehensive academic and professional training in medical laboratory science (MLS) for satisfying the standard of practice set by The Hong Kong Medical Laboratory Technologist Board. The field of medical laboratory science is comprised of five major disciplines: clinical hematology and transfusion science, clinical chemistry and immunology, medical microbiology, cellular pathology and molecular diagnostics. Other sub-specialties within the five main disciplines are taught and trained throughout the curriculum as well.

The programme was granted funding from the “Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme” of the Education Bureau to support its development and offering.

Requirements #

  • Programme Entrance Requirements
  • General Entrance Requirements
Core SubjectsMinimum Level
Elective Subject(s)Minimum Level

Applicants with previous HKDSE subject result of A040 ‘Liberal Studies’ will be used as the alternative of the core subject requirement of A045 ‘Citizenship and Social Development’.

  1. Preferred subjects include Biology, Chemistry, and Science: Combined Science (Chemistry, Biology).
  2. Unless otherwise stated in the Programme-specific subject requirements, HKDSE Category B subjects (Applied Learning) with attainment at “Attained” or above; or Category C subjects (Other Languages) with attainment at grade E or above can be considered as elective subjects, and up to 2 Applied Learning subjects (excluding Applied Learning Chinese) will be recognized as electives.
  3. Mathematics Extended Part (i.e. Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) / Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus)) will be counted as an elective subject. If applicants have taken both Module 1 and Module 2, only the module with best result will be taken into consideration.
  4. Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) applicants, who have met the specified circumstances as announced by the Education Bureau (EDB), can use the following qualifications to replace HKDSE Chinese Language level 3 to meet the entrance requirement for Chinese Language:
    – ‘Attained’ or above in HKDSE Category B (Applied Learning Chinese); or
    – Grade E or above in GCE (A-Level / AS-Level / O-Level) Chinese ; or
    – Grade E / Grade 3 or above in GCSE / IGCSE Chinese
    For programmes with specific entrance requirements on the Chinese Language proficiency, please click here for details.
  5. In addition to the General Entrance Requirements, individual programme may require specific subject requirements. Also, some programmes may give higher weighting to certain subjects, core and/or elective, and some may also grant preference to certain elective subjects in admission selection. Please refer to the ‘Programme-specific subject requirements’ for details or click here.
  6. The University accepts combined results of HKDSE examination. The best results will be considered for meeting the entrance requirements and for the calculation of admission scores.

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination
HKMU will consider the best grade attained for a particular subject from any sittings of HKDSE examination taken by the applicant. There is no grade penalty for multiple sittings.

Core SubjectsMinimum Level
Elective Subject(s)Minimum Level
One of the following elective subjects:
Please refer to individual institution for programme-specific entry requirements.

Statistics #

Application Statistics (after Modification of Programme Choices)

YearBand ABand BBand CBand DBand ETotal

Offer Statistics (as at the Announcement of the Main Round Offer Results)

YearBand ABand BBand CBand DBand ETotal

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