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What is information #

Information is a collection of things and their attribute identifiers.

Information is the expression of the state of movement and the way of existence of things.

Information is information, and information is the indication of matter, energy, information and its properties.

Information is an increase in certainty. That is, positive confirmation.

Information is some form of processed data that is meaningful to the recipient of the information and has actual or perceived value in current or future actions and decisions.

Current definitions of information tend to be too general and explanations are often regarded as definitions. Therefore, the definition of information needs to be standardized and standardized. The definition of “genus plus species difference” is a standardized model of information definition. Establish information definitions according to the criteria of “definition”. Follow the concept of “definition” to formulate “information definition”, and no longer be obsessed with “information explanation” mistaking “definition“.

Classical Shannon information definition #

Classic negative Shannon information definition, old definition

Classic Shannon definition of information: Information is the elimination of uncertainty.

Information is the reduction of uncertainty. Using negation twice in a row is like the “law of negation of negation” in philosophy. The negation of negation is affirmation. The requirement for standardized “definition” is to use “positive genus concept + species difference”, so the negative definition should be closer to “explanation”. Negative definition is a taboo in definition

Classical (quasi) definition of Wiener information #

Classical (old, incomplete) negative Wiener Quasi-definition of information (interpretation, not standard definition model)

Wiener’s definition of information: Information is information, and information is neither matter nor energy.

Modification of the classic definition: modern information definition (affirmative form) #

Modern information definition (affirmative true definition)

1. Deng’s information definition #

The definition proposed by Deng Yu in 2002, “Information is things and their A collection of attribute identifiers”

2. Inverse Shannon’s information definition #

Inverse Shannon’s information definition: Information is an increase in certainty

3. Inverse Wiener’s information definition #

The inverse of Wiener’s information definition: information is information, information is matter, A sign of energy and information.

Information is information, and information is the indication of matter, energy, information and its properties.

Discussion #

Identification-better-than-representation #

Compare the difference between the definition of original information and the definition derived from imitation: “Information is a collection ofthings and their attribute identifiers” and “Information is a representation of the attributes of things”Compare. The former is more universal and broader than the latter; later, the definition of imitation transformation was replaced with the word “representation”, which actually narrowed the connotation and extension of the original definition.

Passive to active #

The famous passive information definition: information is Reflectedmaterial attributes are changed to active type, which will be more in line with the scientific definition.

 Active: Information is a reflection of the attributes of things, which is slightly better than the original “reflected material attributes”. This is one of them.

 Second, it reflects that compared with signs and logos, the definition domain, connotation and denotation are smaller.

Reflection: When one thing interacts with other things, it reproduces certain characteristics of other things through its own changes. It usually refers to the effect of objective things on people’s senses, causing people to imitate, copy and reproduce the object and its laws and characteristics in the form of concepts. Therefore, replacing “reflection” with “mark, or logo” makes the definition of information more universal. That is, information is the identification of the attributes of things. better! (No need to represent or reflect)

Interesting information #

  • In a cyclical way, information is news, knowledge, intelligence…. Everything that exists has information.
  • Retrogradely: Information is a representation of something…
  • The old theory of classical negation, Shannon information is the reduction of uncertainty.
  • The old Wiener said,…Information is neither matter nor energy.
  • A slightly newer definition, information is the state of motion of things…. Information is a reflected material property (passive).
  • Narrow definition (active), information is a reflection of the attributes of things
  • Recently, information is an increase in certainty.
  • Information is the identification (tag,…) of matter, energy, information and their properties.
  • Information is the identification of the attributes of things
  • Non-definition, property description, information is a universal attribute of matter….? (Not finished yet…?)

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